Would you like to support children and families
to attend our 6th Annual Family HEART Camp in 2019?


Family Heart Camp

Morgantown, Indiana

August 4-10

Sponsorship Levels:

  • $100 - provides meals for one child

  • $500 - sponsors one child

  • $1,000 - sponsors two children

  • $2,000 - sponsors a family of four

Contributions of any amount are appreciated, and donations are tax-deductible because we are a nonprofit organization. Click the button below to make a contribution with a credit or debit card, which is our preferred method to receive donations because it simplifies our administrative process.


If online credit card payment is not your preference, we will gladly receive a check payable to "Compassionate Communication."

Mail it to: 

Compassionate Communication
2350 Indianola Ave.
Columbus, OH 43202  USA